- IP Address Lookup is either an internal IP address or is a private or reserved IP address with limited information on record. If you want to find out more about your IP address, please visit our My IP page.

Not every IP address has owner information associated with it. This is the case with your lookup of here on IPAddress.com. falls in to one of these categories. The categories include either a internal IP address, private IP address, or reserved IP address.

All of these types of IP addressess like have limited information available because they exist in private networks or configurations. Routers and network modems for example might use in the default configuration. You would type directly in your web browser to login the admin interface.

Examples of router and modem brands that might use in their configuration include Cisco Linksys, Netgear, TP-Link, ASUS, D-Link, Netcomm, Zyxel, Edimax, Belkin, Thomson, and hundreds more.

In other times may fall in a reserved IP range whose scope could be set aside for use in software, subnets, and private networks. Private networks exist to keep local traffic contained to a home or business, and not exposed outside of these areas.

Examples of private or reserved use include broadcast messages, local communications, service providers, testing, and future applications.

See also: IPv4 List - Page 13,796
